Think Pharmacy

Think Pharmacy

Think Pharmacy is a brand that has been successfully used by many LPCs to engage their local commissioners to think differently about the provision of services – to ‘Think Pharmacy’ as a solution.

What does a Think Pharmacy event involve?

An audience of commissioners and influencers are invited to an event to find out more about community pharmacy and the services that can be provided to solve many of the problems they face. It is not a whole day out of their busy schedules: it’s a well-planned couple of hours with presentations, discussions and networking to learn a lot in a short time. It also helps LPCs build relationships and agree actions with guests to follow up after the event.

Why are they beneficial?

Rather than going to commissioners individually, an LPC Think Pharmacy event brings everyone together to learn more about community pharmacy and showcase the potential for pharmacy services.

The brand can help LPCs deliver consistent messages with evidence demonstrating to commissioners how community pharmacy services could be a better way to reach out to those needing care and support.

PSNC support

In addition to the resources on this page, PSNC is happy to provide a speaker for any LPC’s Think Pharmacy event, dates permitting. Even if you have already held a Think Pharmacy event we would be happy to help organise just an evening contractor meeting on a regional basis with a PSNC speaker.

To arrange a PSNC speaker and to see how we can help, contact

Service prospectuses

PSNC has developed a series of prospectuses to help outline what community pharmacy teams could do if certain services were commissioned in their locality. Click on the service names below to read and download them.

Alcohol identification and brief advice (IBA) service

Asthma management service

AF case finding service

Blood-borne virus screening

Cancer detection

Children’s seasonal flu vaccination

Chlamydia screening and treatment

Domiciliary Medicines Use Reviews

Emergency hormonal contraception

Falls prevention service

Healthy Start vitamins service

Hypertension case finding service

Inhaler technique service

Minor ailment service via PGD

Needle and syringe programme

NHS Health Checks

Pharmacy reablement service

Stop smoking

Supervised consumption of medicines

Weight management service

Word versions of the above prospectuses are available in the LPC Members’ Area so LPCs can add their own contact details in the footer.

Shared LPC Think Pharmacy resources and posters

Many LPCs have held Think Pharmacy events in recent years, creating promotional resources for them. Below are resources that some LPCs have shared to help others.

In September 2015, Hertfordshire LPC organised a Think Pharmacy event; information on the event and an extensive range of resources used at the event are available on their website. Word versions are available below so LPCs can adapt them for their area.

Herts LPC think pharmacy – alcohol IBA

Herts LPC think pharmacy – diabetes

Herts LPC think pharmacy – EPS

Herts LPC think pharmacy – flu

Herts LPC think pharmacy – HLP

Herts LPC think pharmacy – MURs

Herts LPC think pharmacy NMS

Herts LPC think pharmacy – repeat dispensing

Herts LPC think pharmacy sexual health

Herts LPC think pharmacy – stop smoking

Herts LPC think pharmacy – substance misuse

Cumbria LPC developed some posters promoting pharmacy services using the Think Pharmacy logo which other LPCs may find useful.

Medicines use Common illnesses Winter illnesses
Stop smoking Travel health advice EHC for up to 72 hours after (version 1)
EHC for up to 72 hours after (version 2) EHC for up to 120 hours after (version 1) EHC for up to 120 hours after (version 2)

The South Yorkshire LPCs collaborated to organise a Think Pharmacy event – here’s a  report of the NHS South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Think Pharmacy Conference and Exhibition. The LPCs also created the following range of resources to use at the event; these might be useful to other LPCs to use as templates.

Event invitation/flyer Agenda Documentation folder
Flu vaccination sheet HLP sheet Inhaler technique sheet INR service sheet Independent living sheet
Minor ailments sheet MUR sheet NMS sheet Palliative care sheet Sexual health sheet

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