Website management (IT)

Website management (IT)

A website is a collection of online pages and associated content that is within a common ‘domain name’. Patients and others can access community pharmacy websites on a range of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, mobile tablets, and smartphones.

Listing your website at your NHS website pharmacy profile

Many pharmacy contractors manage their own website as well as managing their NHS website pharmacy profile.

Pharmacy NHS website profiles can also link to contractors’ own websites if the website meets relevant criteria. You will need to populate your NHS website pharmacy profile ‘external website’ field.

See also: NHS website.

How to select and register a new domain website address

Developing your website

Guidance is available such as from:

Security and https

HTTPS creates a more secure channel for website compared to the older HTTP usage.

HTTPS stands for: “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure“. HTTPS and HTTP are widely used for the start of website addresses, and most companies which maintain websites have opted to move over from HTTP to HTTPS.

See guidance: How to secure your website (WikiHow).

Top tips


  • Ensuring your NHS website pharmacy profile links to your pharmacy website, if your pharmacy site meets relevant criteria.
  • Integrating your website with your social media presence if you have one.
  • Integrating your website offering with your app offering if you have an app offering.
  • Providing directions.
  • It is best and recommended to create a website with no subfolders as part of its main address e.g. instead of

It is not a pharmacy terms of service requirement to maintain a separate external (and non social media) website, however almost all pharmacy contractors are choosing to do so because of various advantages (ability to link to social media, ability to pass on key messages to improve patients’ experiences and ability to promote your pharmacy).

Info for LPCs

Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs) may use a web platform made available by PSNC or may alternatively select from different website providers.

Further info

If you have queries on this webpage or require more information please contact To share and hear views about digital developments, join the CP Digital email group today.


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