Locally Commissioned Services

Locally Commissioned Services

Locally commissioned community pharmacy services can be contracted via a number of different routes and by different commissioners, including local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and local NHS England teams.

The following sections and resources provide more information on locally commissioned services:

Guidance on development of local services and resources

Template service specifications and resources for locally commissioned services

Community Pharmacy – helping provide better quality and resilient urgent care

Pharmacists with a Special Interest (PhwSI)

The following links take you to pages that contain template service specifications (some are nationally agreed templates, others are draft templates that have not been nationally agreed and are not in their final version) and associated resources on the service; they may be used to inform local discussions on service development.

Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention

Anticoagulant Monitoring Service

Antiviral supply (Flu outbreaks and pandemic)


Atrial Fibrillation (AF)

Blood-Borne Virus Screening


Care Home (Support and Advice on Storage, Supply and Administration of Drugs and Appliances)

Carers (including Carer-Friendly Pharmacies)

Chlamydia Screening and Treatment

Coeliac Disease – please also see Gluten Free Food Supply

Condom distribution ‘C-Card’ schemes

Community Equipment Services




Digital Minor Illness Referral Service (DMIRS)

Domiciliary Support – please also see Post Discharge and Reablement

Ear, nose & throat

Emergency Hormonal Contraception

Emergency Supply (at NHS Expense)

Extended Care PGD Services

Falls Prevention

Gluten Free Food Supply – please also see Coeliac Disease

Healthy Start Vitamins


Independent Prescribing by Pharmacists

Joint working with GPs

Long-Term Condition Management

Medication Review (Full Clinical Review)

Medicines Assessment and Compliance Support

Medicines Optimisation (Including MUR Related Services)

Mental Health

Minor Ailment Service

Needle and Syringe Programmes

NHS Health Check (Vascular risk assessment and management service)

On Demand Availability of Specialist Drugs (Availability of Palliative Care or other Specialist Medicines)

Out of Hours (Access to Medicines)

Patient Group Directions

Post Discharge and Reablement – please also see Domiciliary Support

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination

Sharps Disposal Service

Social Prescribing

Stop Smoking

Supervised Administration (Consumption of Prescribed Medicines)

Supplementary Prescribing by Pharmacists

Tuberculosis (TB)

Urgent Care/NHS 111

Vaccination Services

Vulnerable Patients

Weight Management Service

Winter Ailments

Related resources & PSNC Briefings

NHS Identity Guidelines: NHS logo use by pharmacies
In January 2017 NHS England updated the guidelines on the use of the NHS Identity, including revised guidance for all primary care contractors who are commissioned under a primary care contract. Where pharmacy contractors choose to use the NHS identity, they must ensure that the revised guidance is adhered to when producing, updating or replacing designs.

Procurement of healthcare (clinical) services: Briefings for CCGs
NHS England published six succinct documents on procurement of healthcare services in September 2012. The documents were issued as guidance for CCG members, but they provide useful background reading for LPC members or pharmacy contractors wanting to understand more about this topic.

PSNC Briefing 027/15: Contracts and the NHS Standard Contract (May 2015)
This PSNC Briefing provides information on the NHS Standard Contract and also on the Public Health Services Contract (non-mandatory contract).

PSNC Briefing 026/15: Contracts and Service Level Agreements (May 2015)
This PSNC Briefing covers SLAs and how they apply to pharmacy contractors.

PSNC Briefing 002/13: Public Services (Social Value) Act (January 2013)
The Social Value Guide was published by Social Enterprise UK in November 2012; the guide describes the impact of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 in commissioning of services by public bodies.

PSNC Briefing 004/12: JSNA and JHWS (January 2012)
This PSNC Briefing provides background information on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWSs).

PSNC Briefing 098/13: Guide to the NHS Standard Contract (September 2013)
The new NHS structure which was implemented in April 2013 changed the arrangements for the commissioning of NHS services. This briefing concentrates on the final stage of commissioning – the drafting and agreement of the written contract.

PSNC Briefing 094/13: Local commissioning challenge checklist (September 2013)
PSNC receives requests for advice from LPCs each year on how to tackle commissioner’s decisions to decommission a service or determinations not to commission a service from community pharmacy. This PSNC Briefing provides advice on how to challenge these decisions.

Local Authority Health Scrutiny: Guidance to support Local Authorities and their partners to deliver effective health scrutiny (Department of Health, June 2014) 

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