Working with commissioners

Working with commissioners

Locally commissioned community pharmacy services can be contracted via a number of different routes and by different commissioners, including local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and local NHS England teams. LPCs therefore need to engage and work with a range of commissioners.

As part of PSNC’s work to support LPCs to get local services commissioned in their area, we have developed the following range of promotional materials for LPC members to use in their conversations with local commissioners.

Resources to explain the role of community pharmacy

CPCF summary for external stakeholders (new)
A summary of the five-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) created to explain it for external audiences. These may be particularly useful for LPCs engaging with local healthcare organisations or other stakeholders.

Community pharmacy presentation (new)
A PowerPoint about community pharmacy reflecting changes to the CPCF.

PSNC Briefing 049/15: Template press release highlighting pharmacy’s role 
An example LPCs can use to showcase pharmacy services and what pharmacy can do to help reduce the burden on GPs.

The community pharmacy offer for improving the public’s health (LGA, March 2016)
This briefing, created by the Local Government Association (LGA), is intended to be a guide for local government and health and wellbeing boards.

PSNC’s local government leaflet: What can pharmacy do for your local community?
This local government leaflet was created to showcase the services that pharmacies provide for their local communities.

Reducing premature mortality: the role of community pharmacies (Royal Society for Public Health, February 2015)
Information from the Royal Society of Public Health on the role community pharmacies can play in reducing premature mortality.

Medicine Shortages: A Briefing for CCGs, GPs and other NHS prescribers (January 2019)
Information about medicines supply issues that community pharmacy teams or LPCs may wish to give to commissioners so they can better understand supply issues and the impact they can have on patients and pharmacies.

Resources to promote pharmacy services

The Think Pharmacy brand
Think Pharmacy is a brand that has been successfully used by many LPCs to engage their local commissioners to think differently about the provision of services – to ‘Think Pharmacy’ as a solution. An LPC Think Pharmacy event brings all the relevant stakeholders together to learn more about community pharmacy and showcase pharmacy services.

Services Database
Our Services Database, and the accompanying Services Spreadsheet, contains collated information about local pharmacy services commissioned across England.

Services case studies hub
The services case studies hub contains links to articles and news stories published by PSNC and other organisations that showcase commissioned community pharmacy services and Healthy Living Pharmacies (HLPs).

Health Service Journal and Local Government Chronicle supplement about community pharmacy services (June 2015)
This supplement explains how a range of local pharmacy services can help patients and commissioners.

Minor Ailments Service flyer (November 2014)
This flyer outlines the work that community pharmacy teams are already doing to provide the public with a place to go for care for common illnesses, as well as highlighting what else they could do if the appropriate enablers were in place.

Asthma management flyer (October 2014)
This flyer outlines the work that community pharmacy teams are already doing to help those with long-term conditions such as asthma to manage their condition, as well as highlighting what else they could do if the appropriate enablers were in place.

Public health flyer (January 2014)
This flyer outlines the work community pharmacy teams are already doing to support public health, as well as highlighting what more they could do to help improve public health.

Engaging with primary healthcare professionals
This document was produced jointly with a range of other bodies. It explains why local government should work with LPCs.

The Commissioners Portal
This section of our website includes more information about how community pharmacy can be developed to enable pharmacies to offer a wide range of high quality services for the benefit of patients and the NHS.

Commissioner Portal promo

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