Working with local authorities

Working with local authorities

PSNC has developed a range of promotional materials for LPCs to use in their conversations with councillors and local authorities.

Guidance on working with local authorities

Draft letter to local councillors (June 2018) 
This template letter has been created to guide LPCs in making initial contact with local councillors.

Draft press release following local councillor visit (June 2018)
This template press release can be used by LPCs following a local councillor visit to a pharmacy.

PSNC Briefing 080/17: A guide to local government and community pharmacy (October 2017)
This PSNC Briefing is intended as a guide to how local government operates to support LPCs in engaging more productively with local councillors.

PSNC Briefing 079/17: Working with other health and care providers – a suggested checklist for LPCs
PSNC has created a suggested checklist for developing relationships with other health and care partners including Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) / aspirant Accountable Care Systems (ACSs) and Accountable Care Organisations (ACOs), Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) staff and members and GPs. It draws upon recent feedback and advice from LPC Chief Officers collated by PSNC.

Resources to promote community pharmacy to local authorities

Community pharmacies: helping patients and local communities during winter (and references)
This flyer was used by PSNC during a Parliamentary reception for the Pharmacy Winter campaign day, jointly organised with the other national pharmacy organisations. It has been shared here so that LPCs and pharmacy teams can use it during MP or local councillor visits.

Support Your Local Pharmacy flyer (March 2017)
This flyer highlights the value that community pharmacies can bring to their local communities and provides information on ways local politicians can help support their work.

Health Service Journal and Local Government Chronicle supplement about community pharmacy services (June 2015)
This supplement magazine explores how a range of local pharmacy services could help patients and local authorities.

Protecting local health services: using community pharmacy (and references) (June 2017)
Briefing originally intended for Parliamentary Candidates, however it could still be used to provide information for new and returning MPs. It details alternative ways that community pharmacy could save the NHS money, the current funding situation and the potential for pharmacy teams to do more. A references document provides more detail for those who are interested in the research behind the statistics.

CPFV infographic flyer for councillors (January 2017)
The Community Pharmacy Forward View (CPFV) sets out a joint vision for the future of community pharmacy services. This infographic summarises some of the key points from the CPFV – further information and resources are available here.

Developing community pharmacy services

Working with commissioners page
This page contains information and resources to help promote pharmacy services those responsible for local commissioning.

Local Politicians Hub
This section of our website includes more information about how community pharmacy can be developed to enable pharmacies to offer a wide range of high quality services for the benefit of patients and the NHS.

More information about community pharmacy

About Community Pharmacy
Here you can find a brief guide to how community pharmacy operates.

Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) guide (October 2016)
This briefing provides information on the MUR community pharmacy service in a 2-page guide, answering five common questions about MURs as well as providing information on the national target groups.

New Medicine Service (NMS) guide (October 2016)
This briefing provides information on the NMS community pharmacy service in a 2-page guide, answering five common questions about NMS as well as providing information on which patients are eligible for the service.

Value of pharmacy infographic and references (September 2016)
This one-page infographic has been developed to summarise some of the findings of a PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report on the value of community pharmacy. The references document provides more detail for those who are interested in the research behind the statistics.

Community Pharmacy Value flyer
This flyer highlights the value of community pharmacy.

Local Politicians Hub

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