NHS Profile Manager

NHS Profile Manager

NHS Profile Manager is a digital tool due to go live in spring 2022.

At the moment, community pharmacy contractors update two different NHS service information updaters:

It is hoped that the new NHS Profile Manager will replace the two older information updaters, thereby, preventing contractors from having to input the same information onto two different platforms. NHS Profile Manager is where you’ll go to update your information, such as opening times and contact information and will enable contractors to fulfil their contractual duty to verify and, where necessary, update the information contained within the pharmacy profile at least once each quarter of the financial year. It’s a good idea to update your profile as soon as anything changes in your pharmacy, so that patients and other health and care staff always have the most up to date information. You can also respond to comments left on your NHS website profile.

PSNC and the Community Pharmacy IT Group (CP ITG), have long requested that the two current NHS service information updaters be merged, and development of the new NHS Profile Manager has been a joint effort between various stakeholders, including, PSNC, NHS Digital and NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I).

At launch, you’ll be able to use the tool to update your contact and hours information. The services and facilities modules are scheduled to be added to the tool around a month after the launch.

The new profile manager will not only save contractors precious time, but should also be more accurate.

NHSmail linked to editing profile

From November 2021 to Feb 2022, NHS Digital reviewed users of the NHS website profile editor and users who were not using an email address ending with nhs.net were sent instructions on how to update their login details. This was to help all contractors to ensure that they are prepared pre-launch.


The potential benefits of the new profile manager tool include:

  • Reduced duplicative data entry by pharmacy teams.
  • Increased accuracy and consistency on the UEC DoS and NHS UK.
  • Reduced risk that information across NHS website and DoS could inadvertently diverge.
  • Improvement in the quality of information being given to 111 Telephony, 111 Online and NHS Service Finder.

Get involved

If you would like to comment about the tool please email it@psnc.org.uk with the subject “NHS Profile Manager comments” and include your name and your pharmacy ODS code.

PSNC and Community Pharmacy IT Group (CP ITG) are working with the NHS Profile Manager project team on the tool.


Q. When will the NHS Profile Manager be released?

The tool is currently set to go live in spring 2022 subject to relevant project work being completed.

Q. Do I still need to use the NHS website profile editor and DoS Profile Updater in the meantime?

Yes, you will need to continue using these tools until the NHS Profile Manager tool goes live.

Q. Will I be able to update services and facilities information immediately upon the launch of the new tool?

At launch you’ll be able to update your contact and hours information. The services and facilities modules are scheduled to be added to the tool soon after the launch.

Q. What is the difference between NHS Profile Manager and NHS Service Finder?

NHS Profile Manager enables you to edit and check information about your service so the correct information is held on NHS website and DoS.

NHS Service Finder is a tool which enables you to search for health organsations and view their information (as per DoS and NHS website).

Q. How will I login to the new tool?

You will be able to login using your personal NHSmail account and will connect this to the pharmacy’s NHS Profile Manager.

Q. Will I be able to use the new tool if I do not have a personal NHSmail account?


Q. I do not yet have a personal NHSmail account (linked to the pharmacy shared NHSmail box) and would like to set this up, how can I do so?

See the ‘NHSmail personal accounts: creation and linking’ section of PSNC’s NHSmail webpage.

Q. Will larger pharmacy organisations be able to continue the mass-updating process?

Yes, the new tool will include Application Programming Interface (API) compatibility and larger pharmacy organisations will be able to continue updating via that route but some changes to the process may be added.

Related guidance

If you have queries on this webpage or you require more information, please contact it@psnc.org.uk.


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