PSNC Briefing 001/17: Social media guide for community pharmacy teams and LPCs (January 2017)

PSNC Briefing 001/17: Social media guide for community pharmacy teams and LPCs (January 2017)

This PSNC Briefing provides community pharmacy teams and LPCs with a guide to help them to consider the benefits of using Twitter and other social media as tools for keeping up to date with pharmacy and healthcare news or communicating with patients and other stakeholders.

PSNC Briefing 001/17: Social media guide for community pharmacy teams and LPCs

This guide covers the benefits of using social media and guidance on creating internal policies for its use, plus it has three appendices providing practical pointers on how to use the most relevant social media platforms:

How to use Twitter

How to use Facebook

How to use LinkedIn

If you have any queries on this PSNC Briefing or you require more information, please contact Melinda Mabbutt, Communications Officer.

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