Indicative income tables

Indicative income tables

PSNC has produced Indicative Income Tables to show the payments an average pharmacy could expect to receive, for a given volume of dispensing. Please note in practice payments between pharmacies of the same dispensing volume may differ due to factors such as dispensing mix and additional fees such as fees for controlled drugs and expensive items.


Latest resources

The Indicative Income Tables below has been developed to help contractors estimate the impact of funding changes on their payments.

Indicative Income Tables 2021/22


Older resources

Indicative Income Tables April 20 & October 20

2019/20 cashflow indicator and income tables

PSNC Briefing 055/18: How recent changes will affect your payments
This briefing summarises the changes to funding delivery and outlines what those changes mean for your income for 2018/19.

18/19 cashflow indicator

17/18 cashflow indicator

16/17 cashflow indicator

H1 indicative income tables (based on April 2015 arrangements) (PDF)

H2 indicative income tables (based on October 2015 arrangements) (PDF)

H1 indicative income tables (based on April 2014 arrangements) (PDF)

H2 indicative income tables (based on November 2014 arrangements) (PDF)

Nb. H2 Income Tables are from November 2014 onwards, in order to reflect the Practice Payment changes effective from November 2014.

Indicative Income Tables (based on October 2013 arrangements) (PDF)

Indicative Income Tables (based on April 2013 arrangements) (PDF)

Indicative Income Tables (based on October 2012 arrangements) (PDF)

Indicative Income Tables (based on April 2012 arrangements) (PDF) (Updated Sep 2012)

If you require access to Indicative Income Tables for older period, please contact us.


 Indicative Income Calculator

The Indicative Income Calculator below was produced in response to the December 2016 funding cuts to provide an estimate of the payments a pharmacy would receive based upon dispensing volume.

2016/17 and 2017/18 Indicative Income Calculator (Microsoft Excel)

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