National Meeting of LPC Treasurers – Resources
National Meeting of LPC Treasurers – Resources
PSNC held a national meeting of LPC Treasurers on Wednesday 16th February 2022. This event was open to all LPC Treasurers and LPC staff members involved with supporting the work of LPC finances.
The agenda of the event was focused primarily on ensuring that LPC Treasurers were well informed about the priorities for 2022/23 to help with LPC budgeting and planning assumptions. The majority of LPCs were represented at the event, with over 70 delegates attending.
The resources from the event, including the slide deck used on the day and a full recording of the meeting, are available below.
National Meeting of LPC Treasurers February 2022 – Slide Deck
National Meeting of LPC Treasurers February 2022 – Event Recording (passcode: iuq#*Zz3)
Feedback summary
PSNC’s LPC and Contractor Support Team asked delegates to complete a short feedback survey after the event. A summary of this feedback is below.
Q1. How useful did you find the National Meeting of LPC Treasurers?
Very useful | Quite useful | Not useful |
40% | 60% | 0% |
Q2. Overall, did you find the technology easy to use?
Yes | No |
100% | 0% |
Q3. How would you rate the speakers for the day?
Excellent | Good | Average | Below average |
50% | 40% | 10% | 0% |
Q4. Overall, how would you rate this meeting?
Excellent | Good | Average | Below average |
40% | 50% | 10% | 0% |