Avon LPC – NHS Long Term Plan contractor roadshows
Avon LPC – NHS Long Term Plan contractor roadshows
Avon LPC has held a number of contractor roadshows to raise awareness of the current situation for community pharmacy. The below presentation and resources were created or used at the roadshows; they are shared here with the kind permission of Richard Brown, Avon LPC.
A case study has also been written up in collaboration with Avon LPC to help understand the initiative, benefits and outcomes achieved
LPC in the Spotlight – Avon LPC – LPC Contractor engagement and the need for change
Supporting Material
NHS Long Term Plan contractor roadshow presentation
Assessment form for use by pharmacies
Assessment tool for compliance aids (NHS North Bristol)
Managing compliance aid requests (BNSGG)
Pharmacy letter – funding cuts April 2019
PSNC Briefing 060/17 Equality Act 2010 a quick reference guide (updated September 2017)
This PSNC Briefing aims to confirm and clarify key aspects of our main guidance below.
PSNC Briefing 001/16 Equality Act 2010 (January 2016)
This PSNC Briefing updates “PSNC Briefing 084/13: Equality Act 2010″on the Equality Act 2010 (incorporating its predecessor legislation the Disability Discrimination Act 1995).
Compliance aids guidance – This local guidance developed by Avon LPC, the CCG and Acute NHS trusts. Shared here with the kind permission of Richard Brown, Avon LPC.