LPC Focus: Creating a federated administrative structure CPSS
LPC Focus: Creating a federated administrative structure CPSS
Community Pharmacy Surrey and Sussex
LPC focus – Case Study – Creating a federated administrative structure
Three LPCs across the South East have set up an overarching structure to deliver the management and administration of East Sussex, West Sussex and Surrey LPCs.
The decision to re-structure the LPCs was taken to better align themselves to the national agenda, whilst maintaining local decision making. It also achieves operational efficiency collaborating across the LPCs to reduce duplication and share intelligence.
This case study describes the rationale and key considerations for setting up the structure.
Thanks to James Wood at CPSS for sharing this information and co-developing this resource for LPCs.
Community pharmacy surrey and sussex lpc focus setting up a federated structure final
LPC focus : CPSS Case Study Slides