Regs explainer (#5): Health campaigns


Regs explainer (#5): Health campaigns

November 4, 2020

On 20th October 2020 new NHS regulations were laid to introduce changes to the Terms of Service for pharmacy contractors. Some of these changes relate to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but most are changes which were previously agreed as part of the 5-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) and were originally planned to be introduced in July 2020.

This article is one of a series, explaining what the changes mean for pharmacy contractors and their teams.

This change applies from:

9th November 2020

What is the new requirement?

Public health campaigns, which pharmacy contractors must participate in, when asked by NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I), are now described as health campaigns, because the focus may be on matters other than healthy living and public health. For example, campaigns may focus on better use of NHS resources, such as highlighting pharmacy advice to support the management of minor illness.

NHSE&I can require contractors to participate in up to six such campaigns each year; the year will now be defined as the NHS financial year, i.e. 1st April to 31st March.

An existing requirement is that, where requested to do so by NHSE&I, each pharmacy must record the number of people to whom information is provided as part of one of these campaigns. NHSE&I can now also ask for additional information in relation to the campaign.

Any additional information to be requested will initially be discussed with PSNC. The aim of requesting additional information will be to help to evaluate the impact of the campaign and to assist with future policy development. Contractors will be notified of the additional information which needs to be collected and supplied in advance of the campaign starting.

NHSE&I will be able to request that the information on the campaign is provided to them electronically.

Where can I get more support on this?

PSNC will provide further guidance to contractors on any future health campaigns, where additional information is being requested.


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