PSNC Briefing 017/18: What can pharmacy do to help transform local care? – a leaflet for STPs (March 2018)

PSNC Briefing 017/18: What can pharmacy do to help transform local care? – a leaflet for STPs (March 2018)

PSNC has produced a draft leaflet which LPCs may wish to use as a discussion aid when engaging with local STPs.

PSNC Briefing 017/18: What can pharmacy do to help transform local care? – a leaflet for STPs

A Word version is available below, so that LPCs can edit and align it with their STPs’ specific healthcare priorities. LPCs may also find the library of Think Pharmacy prospectuses which explain the benefits of specific community pharmacy services to commissioners helpful in local discussions.

What can pharmacy do to help transform local care? (editable version)



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