PSNC Briefing 051/19: CPCF Services: Important dates and checklist (v1) (October 2019)

PSNC Briefing 051/19: CPCF Services: Important dates and checklist (v1) (October 2019)

Please note, this Briefing is now out of date. Please see for the latest version.

This PSNC Briefing provides a checklist of important dates for the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) which relate to services including the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service; Flu Vaccination Service; Medicines Use Reviews; New Medicine Service; Pharmacy Quality Scheme and contractual public health campaigns, as well as dates when relevant news stories have been published which highlight resources for these services/campaigns.

This Briefing is a ‘live’ document and will be updated as and when announcements and dates are confirmed. Therefore, community pharmacy contractors are welcome to print out this Briefing for reference; however, they should be alert to the fact that additional information may be added to the document and are encouraged to check: to ensure they have the latest version of the Briefing. Contractors are also encouraged to sign up to our newsletters at  so the latest information is delivered straight to their Inbox.

The important dates and checklist start from July 2019, even though the Briefing is being published in October 2019 as this is when the contractor announcement on the five-year deal for community pharmacy was made; some of these previous dates and actions may still be relevant to contractors. Those that are no longer relevant to all, for example, public health campaigns that have now passed, have been included for completeness and information purposes only.

PSNC Briefing 051/19: CPCF Services: Important dates and checklist (v1)

The important dates and checklist resource is also available below as a Word document so LPCs can choose to add in important dates and actions for local services or contractors can choose to add in important dates relevant to their pharmacy or additional deadlines they are working towards.

CPCF Services: Important dates and checklist (v1) (Word)

If you have any queries on this PSNC Briefing or you require more information, please contact the PSNC Services Team.

To browse other PSNC briefings on services and commissioning click here.

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