PSNC Briefing 009/17: A summary of PHE’s Local Health and Care Planning: Menu of preventative interventions report (February 2017)

PSNC Briefing 009/17: A summary of PHE’s Local Health and Care Planning: Menu of preventative interventions report (February 2017)

Public Health England (PHE) has produced a report detailing a menu of preventative interventions (MoI). The MoI outlines evidence-based, preventative public health interventions that can help improve the health of the population and reduce health and care service demand in the short to medium term. It aims to help local decision makers consider evidence-based local challenges through the health and care planning process.

This PSNC Briefing summarises the elements of the report which are of most relevance to community pharmacy and which may be of interest to LPCs in discussions they have with local commissioners.

PSNC Briefing 009/17: A summary of PHE’s Local Health and Care Planning: Menu of preventative interventions report

If you have any queries on this PSNC Briefing or you require more information, please contact Zainab Al-Kharsan, Service Development Pharmacist.

To browse other PSNC briefings on the healthcare landscape click here.

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