PSNC Briefing 108/13: NHS England’s mandate for 2014/15 and the NHS Outcomes Framework 2014/15 (December 2013)

PSNC Briefing 108/13: NHS England’s mandate for 2014/15 and the NHS Outcomes Framework 2014/15 (December 2013)

This briefing summarises NHS England’s refreshed mandate for 2014/15 and highlights the associated NHS Outcomes Framework 2014/15. The mandate sets out the goals that the Department of Health (DH) expects NHS England to achieve and it consequently will inform the organisation’s national and local commissioning priorities. LPCs and pharmacy contractors may want to consider this information when they discuss service developments with NHS England’s Area Teams (AT) and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs).

PSNC Briefing 108/13: NHS England’s mandate for 2014/15 and the NHS Outcomes Framework 2014/15 (December 2013)

If you have any queries on this PSNC Briefing or you require more information, please contact Alastair Buxton, Head of NHS Services.

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