CEO Blog

CEO Blog

Janet recognises the RSG's proposals as sensible and practical steps
"The community pharmacy sector is clearly enthusiastic and ambitious about the role it can play in community health"
“Contractors will have the chance to shape LPC and PSNC representation, and I hope you will take it”
 "We need to work out why there is such a disconnect between the position of community pharmacy and that of wider Government on funding"
"Every contractor: big and small; independent and multiple; bricks and mortar and online – you all need to claim back your COVID costs"
”The RSG will have to settle upon a solution that works best for the vast majority of contractors"
"A huge amount of work goes on outside of formal negotiations to analyse data and consider the impact of proposals"
"Pharmacies administered over 2.6 million flu jabs this season"
"Only a trickle of patients are being referred from NHS 111 and GPs"
“PSNC is being forced to be increasingly public about the situation we find ourselves in”
"Pharmacy has risen to the challenge despite the very patchy nature of Government support"
"Who better to start to provide flu vaccinations for the working population aged 50-64 than pharmacies?"

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