IT service status checkers

IT service status checkers

A range of NHS and other IT systems may provide system status checkers.

System supplier status checker webpages

The List of suppliers and their info has a ‘service status link’ column present within supplier tables. Some suppliers provide live service status at their websites or on their Twitter accounts.

Service Status checker (NHS Digital)

NHS Digital’s live Service status checker webpage is available to pharmacy teams through their Smartcard. It shows the availability of national infrastructure services, such as EPS, Spine, NHSmail and other NHS IT.

This means that a pharmacy team experiencing problems accessing or processing an electronic prescription can see at a glance if there is a national service issue. If it is not a national service issue, it is likely to be a problem with their PMR system or with their local equipment or internet connection. In this case, users can be confident that they should contact their supplier’s helpdesk for support.

Pharmacy teams are encouraged to bookmark (‘favourite’) the link to the NHS Digital service status checker webpage (Smartcard required), where they will find information about the status of the national infrastructure services; this includes details of any current and recently closed incidents. There is also information on historic incidents and service outages.

EPS users are also encouraged to continue to sign up to receive text or email alerts.

Further info

If you have queries on this webpage or you require more information please contact To share and hear views about digital developments with like-minded pharmacy team members, join the CP Digital email group today.



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