About the Services Database
About the Services Database
The PSNC Community Pharmacy Services Database has been developed to provide accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to support the development of locally commissioned services provided by community pharmacy.
PSNC first started to compile detailed information on local pharmacy services in 1992, the information was computerised in 1999 and made available on the PSNC website from April 2002.
What information is available?
From April 2013 the NHS systems architecture changed and the database held up to this point has been archived. The database fields have been amended to take into account these changes and now include services commissioned by Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), local authorities (LAs) and local NHS England teams.
Contribution of data is essential to ensure that the database can continue to provide current information and PSNC is keen to hear about any community pharmacy based projects or locally commissioned services to enhance the information on the database. The majority of the information included in the previous databases was submitted by Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs) with information also supplied from Primary Care Organisations, Local Project Co-ordinators and the Pharmaceutical Industry.
To enter a project on the database that has currently been commissioned please complete the online form, ensuring that all fields are completed. The submitted information will be reviewed by a member of the PSNC team and the information will then be added to the live database. Where a form is submitted but details about the service are incomplete, PSNC will follow up to request any additional information required via email. Please only send this information as a reply to the email and not on the e-form as this will create duplicate entries.
Searching the database
The database can be searched by using the drop-down boxes on the left-hand side of the Service Database page to select location, service, funding or commissioning options and clicking on the ‘SEARCH’ button. To narrow the search, press the ‘SEARCH’ button to take you to the next page and then type in your keyword. This will produce a list of all projects in the database which match your selected criteria. To view more information on a specific service, click on the title of the service or the relevant ‘View’ hyperlink. This will take you to the details of the service, most of which are available for public access. LPC members need to log-in to obtain full service information and documents, which can be accessed at the bottom of the page under ‘Documents’ by clicking on the relevant title.
Who to contact for further information
For further details about submission of information to the database, or for more information on locally commissioned services, please email the Services Team.