The Value of Community Pharmacy
The Value of Community Pharmacy
In summer 2021 PSNC launched a video animation showcasing the important work that community pharmacies do and explaining how, with sustainable funding and ongoing support from Government, their role could be developed further.
Local pharmacies save the NHS half a million GP appointments every week and have been on the frontline of the UK’s COVID-19 response. They have been working hard to maintain the health services that local communities need, but pressures on pharmacies themselves are constant. Whilst they stand ready to play an even bigger role in the recovery from the pandemic, pharmacies need to be fairly funded by the NHS and HM Government to ease financial pressures and avoid patient services being cut.
Drawing on the results of its 2021 Pharmacy Advice Audit, PSNC has developed this animation to help raise awareness of the value of pharmacy services, and how patients and the NHS might be impacted if they were no longer there.
Watch the animation:
Related resources
The animation can be shown at meetings directly from the PSNC website, but if you need access to a downloadable version, please email:
Template Tweets
On social media, please use the hashtag #valueofpharmacy. You may also wish to use some of the draft tweets we have created: Tweet Templates for Value of Pharmacy Animation
Social media clips
These can be used to make specific points and gain more traction on social media – view or download via the links below.
- Current value: the importance of pharmacy advice
- Financial barriers: pharmacy’s need for fair funding
- Future potential: expanding the role of pharmacy
2021 Pharmacy Advice Audit
The animation was based on the findings of the PSNC Pharmacy Advice Audit 2021. Further resources on this – including a summary, infographic and social media assets – can be found at:
PwC Value of Pharmacy Report (2015/16)
PSNC commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) to examine and quantify the economic contribution of community pharmacy in England in 2015. The resulting report analysed the value (net benefits) to the NHS, public sector, patients and wider society of 12 specific services provided by community pharmacy. Services analysed included supervised consumption, emergency hormonal contraception provision, minor ailments, delivering prescriptions and managing drug shortages.
Click on a heading below to reveal more information.
Key findings
Community pharmacies contributed a net value of £3 billion to the NHS, public sector, patients and wider society in England in 2015 through just 12 services, with a further £1.9 billion expected to accrue over the next 20 years. This means that community pharmacies deliver substantially more in benefits than they receive in compensation, providing excellent value to the Department of Health and Social Care. Pharmacies made more than 150 million interventions through the services in 2015 and there was a benefit of more than £250,000 per pharmacy or £54.61 for every resident of England. |
Breaking the combined contribution down into the areas which are benefitting, it was found that:
The expected amount of public sector spending saved directly as a result of the 12 services analysed in the report is enough, by itself, to offset the entire amount of public funding provided for community pharmacy in 2015. The benefits of all other pharmacy services not covered by the analysis, such as the NHS prescription service, can therefore be seen as additional net benefits of community pharmacy.
PwC concludes that it is important to robustly assess the significance of any proposed changes to the support and delivery of these services.
The PwC reports
PSNC Briefing 043/16: The Value of Community Pharmacy – a summary of PwC’s report (September 2016)
This PSNC Briefing summarises the findings from the PwC report. Please note that this summary is intended to summarise the findings for pharmacists.
Value of pharmacy infographic and references
This one-page infographic aims to help get across the key findings from the PwC report in a more easily digestible way. The references document provides more detail for those who are interested in the research behind the statistics.
Value of pharmacy infographic (white background)
A more printer-friendly version of the above infographic.