PSNC’s work in 2014: a video introduction

PSNC’s work in 2014: a video introduction

At the beginning of each year PSNC and its subcommittees agree work plans setting out the work that they will do to represent community pharmacy contractors and LPCs in that year.

In 2014 key focuses will include working to agree a funding settlement with NHS England, and supporting community pharmacies to deliver the different elements of the contractual framework and to expand their services. The committee is also working to support LPCs in their efforts to secure the commissioning of local community pharmacy services.

In this video the Chairs of PSNC’s subcommittees and PSNC Vice Chair Kirit Patel explain more about their work, reflecting on the achievements and challenges of the past year and explaining some of the challenges as well as the opportunities that lie ahead for community pharmacy.

To watch the video, click on the play button below. You can watch the video in full screen mode using the button in the top right hand corner of the video.


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